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My God and my Lord:

Eyes are at rest, the stars are setting. Hushed are the movements of birds in their nests, of monsters in the sea; and You are the Just Who knows no change; the Equity that does not swerve, the everlasting that never passes away. The doors of kings are locked now and guarded by their henchmen, but your door is open to all who call upon You. My Lord, each lover is now alone with his beloved. And I am alone with Thee.

--- Huston Smith ---

Monday, September 13, 2010

by Sheiks Muzaffer

*A man was passing by a mental hospital.  He called out to one of the patients peering through the windows.  "How many madmen are there in the hospital?"  Looking the questioner up and down, the inmate replied, "Why don't you leave us alone?  But tell me, how many sane people are out there?"

((The precondition is to know yourself.  He who does not know cannot find, and he who does not find cannot be.))                  --Sheikh Muzaffer

*Everything in the world has an end and a goal.  The end is maturity, and the goal is freedom.  For example, the fruit grows on the tree until it is ripe and then falls.  A farmer sows grain in the ground and tends to it.  It begins to grow, eventually seeds , and again becomes grain.  It has returned to its original form.  The circle is complete.  Completing the circle of existence is Freedom.   ---Nasafi

*Today I am in such a shape
That I can't differentiate
The load from the donkey.
 I am in such shape today,
That I don't know which is the thorn
And which is the rose.

My love put me in this shape today.
I don't know who is the Lover
Or who is the Beloved.

Yesterday, drunkenness led me
To the door of the Love.
But today I can't find
The door or the house.

Last year I had two wings,
Fear and Hope.
Today, I don't know of wings,
Don't know how to fly,
Don't know of my lost fears


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

blog address

If you have a love for the writings of Rumi and or Sufi Poetry, I encourage for you to check out   ...Enjoy.