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My God and my Lord:

Eyes are at rest, the stars are setting. Hushed are the movements of birds in their nests, of monsters in the sea; and You are the Just Who knows no change; the Equity that does not swerve, the everlasting that never passes away. The doors of kings are locked now and guarded by their henchmen, but your door is open to all who call upon You. My Lord, each lover is now alone with his beloved. And I am alone with Thee.

--- Huston Smith ---

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sema of the Soul

Someone said: "You've given a bad name to the people of knowledge with this sema."

I said, "Don't you know that except through them good from bad and muslim from kafir doesn't become manifest?"

He was saying, "You reach God through dancing?"
I said, "You, too, dance; you'll reach God."
Two steps and he arrived.

---Rumi's Sun


From her face, a masterpiece
was left upon the moon---
A trace was left from that angel-face
upon the moon.

No, no! What is the moon in comparison?!
The soul became her servant,
and only she remains
The moon, last night,fell down upon her pillow.
Out of jealousy, I struggled desperately.
I beat my hands and feet upon the floor.

Who is the moon to deserve to sit with you?!
You are the beauty who has wondered the world,
whom everyone admires..

---Rumi's Sun- Shams of Tabriz


When you know me, if you see me, why are you remembering those sorrow?
If reaching ease is within my hand and ability, why are you
getting stressed out? If you are with me, why are you preoccupied
with yourself? If you are my friend, why are you befriending your self?
Years pass, and with but a single person do we become true friends and
reach a peace of mind.

Years are needed so that a stone, under the sun,
may turn into a ruby in Bedashan
or a carnelian in Yemen;
months are needed so that a cotton seed,
under the soil,
may become clothing for one who is naked
or a martyr's shroud.

If you see me, why do you keep looking at yourself? If you are
remembering me, why do you keep remembering your self (nafs)?
Words of advice, and the business of remembering them indicates
you are remembering your self--you are remembering them indicates
you are remembering your self-you are remembering being. If
there is ease somewhere, then God is there--then what place could
there be for advice or words?

==Rumi's Sun - Shams of Tabriz

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